18 Photos of the Pre-war cars until 1947 at the Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix 2010, the CHGP 2010
1939 MG TAJakob Vigelsø
Ford A IndyJohnny CG Karlsson
1944 Citroën 11 BLSune Pelle Borregaard
Riley TT SpriteGlenn Billqvist
MG PA/TCJohn Graham Bishop
MG TF SportsJonathan Harmer Ashford
1939 Citröen B 11 LegéreErik Irring Larsen
1946 MG TCNicolaj Hansson
1944 Citroën 11 BLSune Pelle Borregaard1939 Citröen B 11 LegéreErik Irring Larsen